Members of Towers, Stillwell, Vaca, and more….seriously, these guys ahve been in all your favorite bands favorite bands. It is an honor to be a part of this release. Catchy, powerful songs that will get stuck in your head! Trust me when I say that you need to own this record.
Scheme: 1.: a plan or program of action. especially : a crafty or secret one. 2. : a systematic or organized configuration : design.
Schemes for Decades focuses on a great endurance blueprint for survival. It is a mantra to live your experiences to the fullest so that when you are finally crawling towards the absolute very end of your trail, you look back and know that you have depleted yourself with every chance that you could have taken. While it might sound like a theme of regret, it is the exact opposite- it is about successfully leaving everything out along that trail for yourself to complete that difficult journey. It focuses on those little moments, both hard and easy and how important it is to look back and put yourself in those great feelings of perseverance for the clearest path forward. Especially the very most difficult moments – these are the most important to relive, because you powered on, survived, and stood your ground to never change who you actually are – and to never give up – no matter what. Unlike those who are only now in our memories, the once greats who have destroyed themselves with their rusted wasted time and gave up on their dreams, we are here – still scheming, still pushing forward, tripping along the way, constantly fighting, but never ever quitting because even though we might appear destroyed, or come off deplorably sorrowful to you, we’re covertly inching our way day by day by day, so that you (those of you who are not us) will always remain part of our greatest feat, and the truest most unfortunate victim of our schemes for decades
Track Listing:
Nothing Left
The Actors
Relive This Memory
Whittle Away
Schemes For Decades
…To Those Who Change
Sorry Not Today
Pressing Information:
8 test presses
60 orange vinyl (band exclusive)
40 white vinyl (Tor Johnson exclusive)
30 yellow vinyl (Be Happy exclusive)
30 purple vinyl (Diperid exclusive)
30 green vinyl (Forge Again exclusive)
30 baby blue vinyl (Killer Tofu exclusive)
30 pink vinyl (Triple Eye exclusive)