Split release with FITA Records & Riotous Outburst Records
After a few years out of the public eye, weak teeth returns with a brand new 13 track full-length album “So You’ve Ruined Your Life.” Sticking to their guns, the Providence, RI based quartet continues to create their own brand of angular “emo-damaged” hardcore punk while taking some more creative risks, briefly departing from the “short, hard, fast” standby. With a much more cohesive and concrete theme, the music and lyrics ebb and flow organically to create a well-rounded yet always aggressive crossbreed. Introspective, self-aware, and fed up, “So You’ve Ruined Your Life” fully reflects the dread and abandon of our American century in 30 minutes of forceful, inspired chaos.
Track Listing:
If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Kill Yourself
Life Is Bullshit, Miroki
Facebath III: Cube Zero
‘I Do Believe We’re Naked’ By Funky-See Funky-Do
Anything Helps, God Bless
Dumb Fuckin’ White Man
Back Home, Years Ago
Suckfest Convention
I Fly. I’m Pilot.
I’m Better Than Okay
Providence Music Scene Soccer Camp Trophy
everything is terrible
Nothing Is Cool
Pressing Information:
7 “family” test presses
23 “fest 13” test presses
50 red smoke (FITA exclusive)
49 opaque green mix (Riotous Outburst exclusive)
49 silver marble (Tor Johnson exclusive)
54 clear smoke (Weak Teeth exclusive)
300 black