Northeast Regional dares to ask, “What if Sonny Kay sang for Toys That Kill trying to cover The Lemonheads?” If that makes sense to you, then this record is for you. Jeff Byers (Best Practices, REPS) boils 8 years of recordings down to 17 tracks on this single LP. The styles flow seamlessly from abrasive yet catchy power punk anthems to slowed down post-punk dirges and everything in between. Played by ex members of bands that mostly played for exposure (Wow Owls, Weak Teeth, The Sniffs, etc.) but recorded, produced, and mastered by screamo A-listers (Steve Roche, Nate Dominy, Will Killingsworth). FFO: Tenement, Lungfish, Militarie Gun, Oso Oso.
Track Listing:
Staple Mill Station
Union Station
30th St Station
Providence Station
South Station
Books Are Heavy
The Weatherman
Unit 105
Public Transit To Yr Heart
Out Of Pocket Costs
Fort Greene
Chapin To Bellevue
Pressing Information:
10 test presses
100 blue vinyl w/red swirl vinyl